Tuesday, February 12, 2013

In Response to Tammy Chou

Can you think of a time where you purchased something that targeted your lifestyles?  Were you satisfied with this product?
I remember at one point a while ago a kept seeing commercial for a face wash on TV it seemed like every time a commercial came on.  It seems like all beauty product commercial are always really appealing and look nice (at least to girls).  At this point in time, I had run out of the face wash I normally used and when I went to CVS, I saw the new product and figured why not?  It has been on all the commercials.   I honestly do not even remember what brand or type it was which shows that I was affected by their marketing plan.  I had seen so many commercials that were appealing to me that I bought the product when I could have easily gotten nearly the same thing for less expensive.  I would not say that I was satisfied or dissatisfied with product it left no affect on me.  I guess you can say I am the type of person that is just willing to try something new.  I am sure if I saw a huge difference in my skin I would have kept buying the product but it did not do anything different than a generic face wash would have done for me.  In this companies case I was their target market and it made me buy their product.  I am sure many people have came across the same situation when seeing the same commercial over and over again that they think why not just try it?
Do you feel companies insistent advertising are to get your initially buy, and not for the quality of their product? 

Grammy Advertising


In the article "The Grammys 2013: The Financial Winners" they talk about how advertising during the Grammys is much less expensive but is growing in popularity.  They explain the huge price difference in commercial slots from this past Sunday's Grammys to last Sunday's Super bowl.  (3.8 million vs. 800,000 per 30 sec commercial).  It is explained that the commercial price and the viewing number of the Grammys had increasingly increased over the past few years.  At first you would think that there is a much different target market between the Grammys and the Super bowl and that could be the reason but the huge increasing in 30 second slot prices.  However, because the viewers have increased over the past years it may make companies rethink their strategies in advertising during the Grammys.  It has always been well known that the Super bowl commercials reach millions of viewers so it is a no brainer for companies to want to advertise, but know it is seen in the past few years that companies are wanting to broaden the viewers of their commercials.  Football and music are very different so it can be understood why there are different companies advertising between these different programs, but with rising viewers would it make since to start advertising in other genres?  I think that the rising price of commercials during the Grammys is because of the fact the companies that would not normally advertise during the Grammys are trying to take advantage of the increasing viewers, which would also increase in the viewers of their commercials. Are companies trying to reach a different target market by advertising during new TV programs?