Sunday, April 7, 2013

Self Marketing

Like we talked about in class self marketing is very important when getting a job.  With all the new technologies out today it can be very easy to promote yourself in a good way and also a bad way. LinkedIn is a great way to keep connections with previous business partners and can be very helpful when getting a job.  Also employers are likely to look someone up on Facebook or Twitter so it has been put out there that people should watch what they are putting on the internet.  This is no news because people should be aware of it anyway, but in the job sense you want to marketable to employers and somethings on these pages are definitely not.  Also when going on job interviews and things of that nature you always need to look and act professional.  When the man from Northwestern Mutual told us about some of his interactions in interviews I find it hard to believe that so many people do not know how to dress for an interview, but obviously it happens.  I feel like many people get the job because of their self marketing.  An employer could find 100 people with the same qualifications as you but you need to be able to sell yourself.  If you are not able to do that then there is no way that people would want to hire you.

This website talk about ways to self promote yourself and what you should and should not do.  Some things are simple and common sense but others not so much.  It always helps to keep looking for news way to improve on self marketing. 

Have you ever had a situation where someone clearly stood out to you because of how they marketed themselves? How does this make them more appealing? 

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